RESONATE. Hic et Nunc “The Happening” at the Playground.

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Thursday 1 August: 4.30pm -6.30pm

The Hic et Nunc project is the brain child of artist Francesca Castellano.

Combining her fine art background with Circus performance, the Cork Creates Coordinator teamed up with the Local Creative Youth Partnership and Let’s Play Cork to explore how we engage with public space in and around the playground in Skibbereen.

15 young people from West Cork Youth Theatres will co-create a ‘Happening’ together with six artists including Sari Äikää-Torkkelli and 15 young Finnish theatre makers from Loimaan teatteri, funded by the Erasmus+ programme to work together in residence in Myross Wood House, Leap to design and rehearse the piece.

"Hic et Nunc” aims to work collectively to create street signs that can instigate alternative behaviours in our streets and public spaces in Skibbereen. participants and pedestrians will be invited to enter an "altered space" and behave and mis-behave as citizens of this temporary Alter'd State! 

The project is part of Cork’s Local Creative Youth Partnership, a Creative Ireland initiative that emphasises the importance of Human creativity for individual, community and national wellbeing, hosted by the Cork Education and Training Board.


Bio: Sini Lindholm is an Event Manager, Circus teacher with a long acting and dancing background. Sini has travelled and studied around the world and her focus in teaching is finding individuals own voice and bodylanguage