Walking, Well-being & Creative Writing Workshop

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Fringe Workshops


26/07/2022 11:00 - 13:00


Gallery A; The Wine Vaults. Gallery B: Dillon's Corner



Walking, Well-being and Creative Writing Workshop with Arnold Thomas Fanning

It has long been appreciated that the simple practice of walking can boost creativity and well-being. In this fun, engaging, encouraging, and active workshop walking will be used to stimulate the imagination and inspire creative writing. Inspired by the thinking of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Natalie Goldberg, Shane O’Mara, and others, this two-hour workshop led by an experienced facilitator will include plenty of reading, discussion, and writing as well as a short gentle mindful walk to boost creativity. It is suitable for writers with some interest and experience of creative writing who are looking to expand their practice. There will be a focus on Life Writing, which responds not only to memory and the past, but also creative responses to the present and future. Note: This will be a partly mobile, all-weather workshop so please wear sturdy footwear and dress for the day’s conditions. Rain gear/ sun cream/ headwear etc as appropriate. Please be prepared to be on the move and to be able to carry your belongings with you at when necessary. Light refreshments will be provided.

This event is supported by Cork County Council and Musicalive, HSE.


Arnold Thomas Fanning has facilitated creative writing workshops for the Irish Writers Centre, The Yeats Society, the Stinging Fly Summer School, & elsewhere. He has been Arts Council Writer in Residence at NUI Galway, and for Carlow County Council Arts Office. His work has been published widely, including in The Dublin Review, The Irish Times, Banshee, The Stinging Fly, gorse, and The Lonely Crowd, as well as being broadcast on RTÉ Radio. His book Mind on Fire: A Memoir of Madness and Recovery was published by Penguin Ireland in 2018 and shortlisted for the Wellcome Bookprize.