A group exhibition from the Arts for Health programme.
Curated by Michael Greenlaw and Bénédicte Coleman
Day Care Centres in West Cork have been closed since March 2020 and this has meant that for the last 18 months, members have not been able to get together for social, health and creative activities.
To try and find a way to create social engagement and make a pathway for participation in the arts, the Arts for Health team came up with Bringing Art Home with Programme Manager Justine Foster and artists Liz Clark, Bénédicte Coleman, Sharon Dipity, Michael Greenlaw, Justin Grounds, Anne Harrington and Fiona Kelleher.
Each artist was commissioned to devise a postal project to engage in a creative exchange of drawings, poems, thoughts and memories with their Day Care Centre participants. This exhibition presents first-hand, the original correspondence shared at such a historic time. On view are drawings, paintings, poems and written recollections, reflecting the memories and present-day concerns of the participants.